How to use the Java Message Service (JMS) MTP with JADE

Author: Edward Curry (ECRG, NUI, Galway)

Date: January 14, 2004

JMS-MTP version 1.0

Java platform: Sun JDK 1.4 Linux

JADE version 2.1

Since JADE 2.1, FIPA-compliant Message Transport Protocols (MTP) can be plugged and activated at run-time on any JADE container. By default, a JADE platform uses a Sun ORB implementation of an MTP . However, as an alternative, a Java Messaging Service (JMS) implementation is also available. This tutorial describes how to install and use this JMS implementation in JADE. Please note this MTP only works on JDK 1.4. For further information on the JMS-MTP see the Agent Interaction Tutorial


In order to install the JMS-MTP the following steps must be performed:
Common Support Libraries      

Library Available From Notes
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common log4j-1.2.8.jar Supports log4j-1.2.7 +


OpenJMS Support Libraries      

Library Available From Notes
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/openjms openjms-client-X..jar Download OpenJMS server, files located in /lib
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/openjms exolabcore-0.3.6.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/openjms commons-logging-1.0.3.jar  


JBossMQ Support Libraries      

Library Available From Notes
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/jbossmq jbossall-client.jar Download JBoss server, files located in /client
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/jbossmq jbossjmx-ant.jar   .
SonicMQ Support Libraries      

Library Available From Notes
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq jmxri.jar Download SonicMQ, files located in /lib
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq jndi.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq mfcontext.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq mgmt_agent.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq mgmt_client.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq mgmt_config.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq sonic_Client.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq sonic_mgmt_client.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq sonic_mgmt.jar    
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq xercesImpl.jar   Must be file from SonicMQ distribution
add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/common/sonicmq xmlParserAPIs.jar   Must be file from SonicMQ distribution



The Jade Makefile will not compile the JMS-MTP. To compile the JMS-MTP you have to use the 'build.xml' ant-file located in the jmsmtp directory. The following rules are available:


The current implementation ships with support for the following JMS Providers:

JMS Provider Support Files
OpenJMS jmsmtp/lib/openjms
JBossMQ jmsmtp/lib/jbossmq
SonicMQ jmsmtp/lib/sonicmq

Important OpenJMS and JBossMQ Note:

When activated the JMS-MTP which uses the OpenJMS/JBossMQ providers you will need to change the port JADE run on (1099) as this is also the same port number that is used by OpenJMS/JBoss's JNDI service. To specify a port for JADE to run on simple use the -port switch on startup.

In order to use the JMS-MTP, the jmsmtp.jar and file must be on the classpath when starting( either by including it into the $CLASSPATH environment variable - %CLASSPATH% under windows or by specifying it on the command line ).

Here is an example of how you would start the platform assuming you are in the root of the Jade directory:

java -classpath ./lib/jade.jar:./lib/jadeTools.jar:./add-ons/jmsmtp/lib:./add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/jmsmtp.jar jade.Boot ( for Unix )
java -classpath .\lib\jade.jar;.\lib\jadeTools.jar;.\add-ons\jmsmtp\lib;.\add-ons\jmsmtp\lib\jmsmtp.jar jade.Boot ( for Windows )

Once the MTP starts it loads the jars it needs from the following default locations:

The location of each of these libraries can be changed via the file (covered later in the tutorial).

It is possible to activate one ore more communication endpoints. There are two main ways for doing such an activation:

Activating a JMS-MTP from the command line

When you start a JADE container it is possible to configure a MTP from the command line. Using the -mtp command line option, a transport endpoint lives as long as its container is up; when a container is shut down, the JMS-MTP will be deactivated and the AMS information is updated accordingly. To start a JMS-MTP on JADE startup, the following parameter must be specified on the command line.

-mtp ie.nuigalway.ecrg.jade.jmsmtp.MtpBoot(jms:provider_type|message_type|persistence:username|password|protocol://hostname:port/queuename)

To activate the JMS-MTP to connect to the 'jade/frodo' queue on a OpenJMS broker on using no username or password with xml, non persistent messages you would use the following line (For more information on JMS-MTP Address Structure see the next section):

-mtp ie.nuigalway.ecrg.jade.jmsmtp.MtpBoot(jms:openjms|xml|non_persistent|||rmi://

Activating a JMS-MTP from the graphical management console

The JADE RMA console enables a more flexible management of the MTPs, allowing to activate and deactivate transport protocols during normal platform operations.

Select a container from the GUI, click the right button of the mouse and a popup menu appears. Choose the Install a new MTP option and a dialog will be shown. Here the following information can be set: the container to install the new MTP on (if different from the selected one), the fully qualified name of the class implementing the jade.mtp.MTP interface, and (if it is supported by the chosen protocol) the transport address that will be used to contact the new MTP.

In order to install a new JMS-MTP one should input the following information

Choosing Uninstall an MTP shows a dialog where the user can select from a list one of the currently installed MTPs and remove it from the platform.


JMS-MTP Address Structure

Addresses used with the JMS-MTP are in the following format:


Address Makeup The following is an example of an address which uses the settings:


Message Settings

Message Type
Messages sent over the JMS MTP can be encoded into two formats, FIPA compatible XML or a custom JMS-MTP MapMessage. Message Persistence
JMS defines two message delivery modes: persistent and non-persistent.

Configuration File

The JMS-MTP is configurable by altering its file. Aspects of the JMS-MTP configurable from this file include the xml parser used, default address settings and any jms provider specific configurations. For the SonicMQ provider broker administration details and queue properties are configurable. For more information on these settings please see the JMS-MTP SonicMQ Provider tutorial.

### JMS-MTP Configuration
## The JMS-MTP needs a SAX XML Parser. The parser used can be by specifying one on the classpath
## J2SE v1.4 default parser is used as default, this option is mandatory with JDK 1.3 or earlier

### Default Address Settings

## Location of JMS-MTP Library

### Optional: Username and password for queue

### Message Persistence options: persistent | non_persistent

### Message Type options: xml | hashmap

### JMS Provider Settings

### OpenJms

### JBossMQ

### SonicMQ

### SonicMQ Broker Domain settings

### SonicMQ default queue settings

Adding Support for Additional JMS Providers

JMS is based on the concept of universal interfaces to proprietary vendor specific Messaging Systems. Numerous vendors currently ship JMS compatible MOM products, these include IBM MQSeries, Sun JMQ, Sonic Software's SonicMQ and JBoss Group's JBossMQ.

The JMS specification provides a consistent API set that gives access to the common features of messaging system, however it does not define aspect of the administration of a messaging service. Hence the administration of the service is still vendor specific, for example, the dynamic creation of a queue at runtime is still provider specific. Since the JMS MTP relies on the ability of a platform to create a new queue on a provider at runtime, we have exposed an interface to allow new JMS providers, with their vendor specific code, to be easily 'plugable' into the JMS MTP.

To add support for an additional JMS provider you will need to implement the ProviderAdmin interface in the ie.nuigalway.ecrg.jade.jmsmtp.common package. This interface has the following two methods:

Once this interface has been implemented you will need to include it in the JMS-MTP configuration file. The following property will need to be set in the file.


Where XXX is the name by which your provider will be identified in JMS Addresses. ie. SonicMQ is known as 'sonicmq'.
Where YYY is the fully qualified classname of your implementation of the ProviderAdmin interface

It is also possible for JMS Providers to be configured from the file by using the following method:

JmsMtpConfig.getProperty(String propName, String defaultValue)

For example the SonicMQ provider allow for the Maximum Queue size to be set in the configuration file with the following key:


The directory containing support files (jars) for the provider must be specified in the configuration file under the following key:


Where XXX is the name by which your provider will be identified in JMS Addresses. ie. SonicMQ is known as 'sonicmq'.
Where YYY is the directory containing the jms providers jars, for example the following configuration locates the support files for the SonicMQ JMS provider in the '/usr/local/jade/add-ons/jmsmtp/lib/sonicmq' directory..


The JMS MTP currently ships with support for the following JMS providers:

JADE is a trademark of CSELT.
SonicMQ is a trademark of Sonic Software.
JBoss and JBoss Group are a registered trademark and servicemark of Marc Fleury under operation by The JBoss Group, LLC.
JADE has been developed jointly by CSELT and the Computer Engineering Group of the University of Parma.

The JMS-MTP was developed in the Enterprise Computing Research Group (ECRG) at the National University of Ireland, Galway by Edward Curry.
The support of the Informatics Research Initiative of Enterprise Ireland is gratefully acknowledged.
Copyright 2002/2003/2004 Enterprise Computing Research Group.